Thursday, October 7, 2010

triptych 3 - Soundalikes

Sometimes a band worms its way into public consciousness and just won't go away...

Witness the Pixies, the alt-rock sensation of the late 80s and early 90s.  More popular in music magazines and on college radio than mainstream media (this was before the era of internet blogs, remember), the Pixies burst on the scene like a Roman candle with their 1986 Come on Pilgrim EP and then fizzled out seven years later with their album Trompe Le Monde.  In many respects they were ahead of their time, as evidenced by their triumphant reunion in 2004 which led to sold-out concerts in arenas around the globe.

The Pixies

But while the Pixies went silent for a time, their musical meme was quickly replicated by a strange act out of the Pacific Northwest named Modest Mouse.  Formed in 1993, they remained a cult act with limited following for the rest of the 20th century.  It wasn't until their fourth album in 2004, the brilliantly titled Good News for People Who Love Bad News, that Modest Mouse received the widespread acclaim it deserved.  The band continues to tour and claims to be working on a new release.
Modest Mouse

Meanwhile, in 2006 a band named Bear Hands emerged in Brooklyn carrying the same genetic traits as the Pixies and Modest Mouse.  It's taken them awhile, but their first album Burning Bush Supper Club is slated to be released in November of this year.  The advance single "What a Drag" would be right at home on any Modest Mouse album.

Bear Hands

Click here to download the Pixies' "Levitate Me," Levitate Me

Modest Mouse's "Summer" Summer

and Bear Hands' "What a Drag" What a Drag.

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